
Five months ago, I sought to reinvent my photography ambitions. I vowed to try new things and get outside of my comfort zone.

It’s incredible how much I’ve learned and what I’ve been able to experience as a result of not immediately dismissing things — basically just letting the creativity flow.

That photo up there is the one that started it all. I can’t believe that was 12 years ago! (If you’re anywhere near the Scotts Bluff National Monument, head over and pick up a print for yourself.) Since then, my work has essentially been in a constant state of evolution — you’ll notice there are more faces in my photos now.

I can’t reflect on that process without thinking about all the wonderful people who have encouraged me or helped me in various ways.

The journey continues, and I’m glad you’re along for the ride.

The Murphy Wagon at Scotts Bluff National Monument
This photo, taken on a gorgeous day in the summer of 2006, helped launch my photography endeavors. With Eagle Rock looming in the background, the Murphy Wagon is seen in the foreground just off the Visitor Center at Scotts Bluff National Monument near Gering, Nebraska, USA.

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